Be Still and Trust My Plan

My mind and emotions have been running around like crazy recently. I’ve had a few ideas, one of which is a direct-selling job. Another is the possibility of taking a three-month course at a local institute. The hardest part is not knowing. I toss the options around in my head, and do a crazy amount of research, but I just am not certain what to do.

I think another difficult aspect is letting go. My nature is to try to figure everything out, and to make sure what the right decision is. But God has been teaching me that I need to be still. To quiet my mind, calm my heart, and rest my body. What I DON’T want to do is to move ahead of Him, and to take on something that is not His will. That would be a road that I could not and would not want to travel.

“I do not believe we have even begun to understand the wonderful power there is in being still. We are in such a hurry, always doing, that we are in danger of not allowing God the opportunity to work. You may be sure that God will never say to us, ‘Stand still,’ ‘Sit still,’ or ‘Be still,’ unless He is going to do something. This is our problem regarding the Christian life: we want to do something to be Christians, instead of allowing Him to work in us.” ~ Crumbs

I’ve found that I’ve had to force myself to let go of these decisions. To take my meddling hands off of them. It’s amazing how God has already begun to lead me. Just little things, but I know that they are from Him. I believe that if I continue to quiet my heart and listen for His voice, He will show me the right way to go.

“Be still and trust My plan, I’m more than you think I am.” ~ Danny Gokey

Photo Credit: Alex Talmon

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